Also, the class QSerialPortInfo is invoked to enum QSerialPort:: Direction flags QSerialPort:: Directions This enum describes the possible directions of the data transmission. Qt Serial Port Examples, This example shows the main features of the QSerialPort class, like configuration, I/O implementation and so forth. For example, QSerialPort::write() returns immediately. QSerialPort emits a signal when the operation is finished. Operations are scheduled and performed when the control returns to Qt's event loop. Shows how to get information about serial QSerialPort supports two general programming approaches: The asynchronous (non-blocking) approach. Terminal Example, Shows how to use the synchronous API of QSerialPort in a non-GUI thread.
Shows how to receive data asynchronously over serial port. Shows how to get information about serial devices in a system. Shows how to use the synchronous API of QSerialPort in a non-GUI thread. When the data is sent to the serial port, Blocking Slave Example. Qt Serial Port Examples, QSerialPort emits a signal when the operation is finished.